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Urinating on my partner

Is it okay to urinate on my partner during sex?
Sure, there is nothing wrong with it. Once there was a taboo about different types of sexual activity but as we understand more, it is simply a case of different strokes for different folks. Just use a plastic bed sheet otherwise it will make a mess of your mattress. The love of urine is more common that what you think. It is believed that about 2-5% of the population has tried urinating on their partner, either in bed or in the shower. 
Before you start urinating on your partner, I recommend you ask him or her. It may be okay with you, but your partner may have different thoughts. Anything that both partners like during sex is okay as long it is not dangerous. 
For some odd reason, men like women to pee on them.


I recently tried out marijuana and feel guilty about it. Is the substance bad?
Well, if you tried it once, I do not recommend trying again. Single use of marijuana is not bad at all. I would not worry about it.  As far as taking marijuana for medical use, I think that it is delusional thinking that the plant has any medical benefits- it has no medical properties, except for mildly decreasing nausea.

Cravings during pregnancy

I am pregnant and recently I have had cravings for eating sand. Is this unusual?
In medicine, there is nothing unusual. You may have a disorder called PICA.  Pregnant women sometimes develop cravings for odd substances like chalk, clay, dirt, sand, wood, charcoal and so on. In some cases, such cravings have been associated with mental disorders. No one knows why this occurs but it is related to hormonal changes. However, if you eat sand once in a while, there is no harm. 
However, you should know that eating too much of these inedible food can plug up your stomach and even cause perforations of your bowel. I suggest you see your doctor and explain to him what is happening. For an occasional craving of sand or charcoal or mud, there is no harm. These cravings disappear after delivery.

Vomiting and antihistamines

Can antihistamines make me vomit?
The antihistamines are relatively safe and been around for more than 40 years. Most will not make you vomit but you may develop nausea. I am not sure why you are taking an antihistamine. It is more likely that the condition you have is making you vomit and not the antihistamine. In fact, some antihistamines are antiemetics-meaning they settle down your stomach.


Is the drug Prozac detectable in blood after 4 days?
The first question is who is measuring Prozac in blood and why? Prozac is prescribed for depression and other mental health disorders; it is an effective and relatively safe drug. Doctors usually do not measure levels of this drug in the urine or blood. There are no legal penalties for having Prozac in your urine; it is not an illicit drug. You cannot be fired from work just because Prozac is discovered in your urine. 
My best advice: I would not worry because the majority of tests in hospital do not measure Prozac in urine, unless the doctor specifies it. Levels of drugs are usually measured when doctors suspect overdose or illicit drug use. Having Prozac in blood is not illegal- you may be taking it for your depression.

Lamotrigine for pain

Do you think lamotrigrine is a good drug for pain?
Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug but it has many off label uses. It is widely issued to treat neuropathic pain and bipolar disorder.  The drug is expensive and I am not sure if it really works for other than seizures.  It also has many unpleasant adverse effects.  If it is working for your pain, I suggest you buy the generic version that is a lot cheaper.

Steroid injection

My doctor recently recommended that I have steroid injections in my elbow for chronic pain. What do you think?
Some doctors are abusing steroid injections for joint pain. These days whenever one walks into a doctor’s office with complaints of pain, steroid injections are always a recommendation. These drugs are effective but do not work in everyone. Moreover, they only work if you have arthritic pain. You can only get 2-3 injections of these drugs in your lifetime. In addition, they have many side effects. The cost of a steroidal injection can vary from $250-$700 depending on what part of the body is injected- another car mechanic like RIP OFF.
If you are having pain that is uncontrolled, just get for one injection. It often takes weeks before the steroids works. However, the pain relief may last few months. In many cases, steroid injections only do one thing-make more money for the doctor.

Blood clot in leg

I had a blood clot in my leg last year and was started on a blood thinner called warfarin. I have been on it for 12 months. Should I continue?
You have a doctor who does not give a shit about you. If you had a blood clot in your leg just once, then you should only be on this drug for 3-9 months. I hope they have done ultrasound studies on your legs to determine that the clot has dissolved. In addition, you should wear compression stockings for the rest of your life. If you do not, you will develop a condition called post phlebitic syndrome-which is cosmetically unpleasant. 
Speak to your doctor about the warfarin. I have a feeling, that like many doctors, he/she has forgotten about this drug.
Hope he/she has been monitoring your blood work on a regular basis to make sure that the blood thinning was adequate.

Painful sex

I have recently heard that a drug has become available for painful sex or dyspareunia.
Yes, osphena has been around in Europe and Japan for some years. Dyspareunia is said to affect close to 20% of women at some point in their lives. Sexual intercourse becomes very unpleasant and painful. Over the years, both physical and emotional causes have been thought to cause dyspareunia. In some women, there is a lack of lubrication due to lack of estrogens. Most women with this disorder use lubricants but now osphena is said to function better. 
Osphena is very similar to estrogen and it increases lubrication and also causes thickening of the vaginal tissues. It does not work right away. The pill is taken by mouth and its effects are noted in 5-10 days. Unfortunately, osphena does not work in all women with dyspareunia. It also has side effects like hot flashes, muscle pain and excess sweating. 
The only way to know if it will work for you is to try it. I would only get a month’s prescription, as the drug is not cheap.

Hair loss and propecia

I am a 27-year-old male who is losing hair, recently my doctor prescribed propecia. does that work?

You can eat, paste, drink, smell, inhale and put the Propecia in the rectum- the most hair you will grow is 1-2 strands around the anus. The drug is a scam. In the last 20 years, you will be hard pressed to find more than 3 people in this entire universe who grew more than 10 strands of hair with propecia.
Please stop wasting you money on this fraudulent product. In addition, it you continue to take Propecia, you will also lose interests in sex and have
difficulty ejaculating (FDA warning on the product).
So there- you have the facts. If you have hair loss, you better learn to live with it. There is nothing out there that can make your hair grow back-nothing.
If you have money, you can try hair transplant, but it will cost as much as a down payment on a house.
Therefore, the choice is very simple. Have hair and live in a homeless shelter or have no hair and have a home.

Erection problems and testosterone

I have difficulty achieving an erection and recently my doctor prescribed me testosterone with Viagra. Will that help?
Many doctors have recently started to prescribe testosterone plus Viagra for treatment of erectile failure. Based on the few recently published studies, this combination does not work and is a waste of money. Testosterone is not a hormone you want to take lightly- it has many side effects. If Viagra alone cannot help you, you have big time problems. 
You may go and see a sex therapist but these professionals are nothing more than con artists. Do you believe that just chit chat about your personal life (at $200 per session) with someone is going to restore your libido? I suggest you change your doctor or stop having sex.

Ginseng and diabetes

My wife was recently recommended ginseng for diabetes. Does it work?

There are some reports that the American ginseng may lower blood sugars. However, these studies are small and not all researchers have been able to reproduce these findings. In addition, millions of Orientals have been consuming kilograms of this herb each year and yet there seem to have the worst type of diabetes- so that should tell you about the healing powers of ginseng. 

At the moment ginseng alone is not recommended for treatment of diabetes. You may take it with your diabetic medications.

Chromium and blood sugar

Can chromium lower blood sugar?
In the laboratory, chromium can do many things including lowering of blood sugar. As far as humans are concerned, chromium alone does jack shit. Tiny amounts of chromium are required for insulin to perform its actions. You certainly get all the chromium you need from diet. There is no need to take supplements of chromium. As of now, the use of chromium for lowering of blood sugar is not recommended-complete waste of money.

Diabetes and natural remedies

I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and am a 51-year-old male. Are there any natural remedies for this disorder? I prefer alternative medicine to drugs?

Let me get some facts for you. Diabetes is a chronic and progressive disorder. It is not something you want to fool around with some unproven alternative care CRAP, as the disorder can cause serious complications that can threaten your vision, kidneys, legs and even life.
The alternative health practitioners can claim whatever they want but hypnosis, acupuncture, gigi gigi, tai chi, bukaki, biofeed back, tiki tiki, unami, tsunami, aromatherapy, ogopogo, etc do CRAP for diabetes. There is no scientific evidence that these therapies lower blood sugar.
I suggest that if you do not want to take medications, you better start walking and lose weight. This may help lower your blood sugars and your weight, and may in rare cases even prevent the need for medications. You are free to try out alternative therapies as adjuncts, but they should never be used as solo therapy to treat diabetes.