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Breast Reduction

I am a 20-year-old female who has large breasts. Can I undergo surgery to reduce the size of my breasts? Part 3
The cost of the procedure is very variable and depends where you go and to whom. The average costs for breast reduction surgery is $5,000-$15,000.

Overall, breast reduction surgery produces excellent cosmetic results.

Final analysis: Since you are paying big bucks, get yourself a decent surgeon who is willing to answer all your questions and give you a price quote. If anytime you feel insecure about the surgeon, get a second opinion. Remember in plastic surgery there are no refunds and scars are permanent.

Breast Reduction

I am a 20-year-old female who has large breasts. Can I undergo surgery to reduce the size of my breasts? Part 2

Breast reduction surgery can be done at any age, but because the breasts are still growing till about the age of 22-24, it is best to wait. In most women, breasts stop growing around age 22 and surgery at around 24-25 years of age is acceptable. Only very rarely is breast reduction surgery done in a female under the age of 20. This is only done to relieve the stress and emotional pain encountered at school from having large breasts.

A common reason to delay breast reduction surgery is pregnancy. It is highly recommended that the female first complete pregnancy and then have the breast surgery. Pregnancy leads to a number of physical changes in the body and does change size, contour and shape of the breast. In addition, the breasts also become saggy and large.

If pregnancy occurs after a reduction mammoplasty, one may have some discomfort during breast-feeding.

All women should understand that breast reduction surgery is strictly elective and no one should rush into surgery. It is important to discuss the following with your surgeon prior to going underneath the knife:

-         What will the surgery involve
-         where will the incision be
-         How much breast tissue will be removed
-         What is the downtime
-         What are the immediate side effects and possible complications
-         What is the cost of the procedure
-         How and where will the nipple be re located
-         Who will give you anesthesia
-         Where will the surgery be done

While these may not sound important questions, remember, the business of cosmetic surgery has gotten out of hand. Because of the lure of money, many health care professionals are doing it. Some are excellent surgeons but many are just mediocre and only interested in your money.

Breast reduction

I am a 20-year-old female who has large breasts. Can I undergo surgery to reduce the size of my breasts? Part 1

Having large breasts is something most women want. However, there are some women who do have large breasts and they are not happy. Having large breasts is not always sexy, better or beautiful. Some women with large breasts feel they are always ridiculed as being “loose women” , "sex objects" or women who like to "sleep around'.

For women with large breasts, there is an option. Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammoplasty is a refined art and can produce great results. While there are several techniques for performing breast reduction, all of them have super to excellent results (unless you select a bad surgeon).

In the USA, close to 100,000 women undergo breast reduction surgery. While many women undergo surgery because of the poor cosmesis from large awkward breasts, there are also a fair number of women who undergo surgery to relieve the physical symptoms such as:

- Neck pain that can be moderate to severe
- Constant back pain
- Pain along the bra straps
- Deep grooves from bra straps
- Unable to maintain an upright posture
- Embarrassment and being ridiculed
- Laughed at by both genders
- Development of recurrent infections/skin rash underneath the breast crease
- Having low self esteem
- Low confidence and feeling isolated
- Have difficulty finding proper clothes
- Finding appropriate bra wear

Hernia around the navel

I am 33-year-old female and have developed a hernia around my navel. Does this need to be fixed? My GP does not recommend surgery.
Unfortunately, in adults, this hernia needs to be fixed. Your GP is an imbecile. You never know when the bowel may get trapped inside and cause bigger problems. Best advice, see a surgeon and let him/her examine you. GPs have no knowledge about hernias. Some surgeons recommend doing nothing for small hernias. However, I suggest you get the hernia assessed first. The surgery to fix the hernia is straightforward- unless you pick a complete moron of a surgeon.

Pain after appendectomy

I had my appendix removed a few weeks ago and now I have alternating numbness and pain on the right side of the incision. The pain goes down to the right thigh and groin. What is wrong with me?
It sounds like the surgeon may have damaged one of the nerves that runs just near the edge of your incision. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do for the pain, but you can sue the doctor for damages. I would recommend getting the medical chart and taking it to a good lawyer. The surgeon was simply careless. For your pain, try neurontin or lamotrigine. It may help. In some cases, time may ease the pain. But sure looks like a good malpractice case against the surgeon. Good luck.

Ache in groin

I am a 28-year male who works as a laborer. Recently I have developed an aching sensation in my right groin area. Could this be a hernia? My doctor says No.
Sure, sounds like it. I would go and see a surgeon and get examined. Your doctor sound clueless and stupid. Hernias are common and often present with an aching sensation. Most people complain of a mass but the mass may not always be present. Go and see a real surgeon. To make the diagnosis, generally no tests are needed. However, sometimes an ultrasound may be ordered.

Abdominal pain

I have been having abdominal pain for the past 3 months. I feel nauseated at times. I have very little appetite; can this be due to appendicitis? I am a 28 year old female
Unlikely. Appendicitis will make you very sick and most people seek immediate treatment. I doubt you have had appendicitis for the past 3 months. You may have diverticulitis or colitis. It may be related to your pelvis, ovary, uterus or fallopian tubes. The first thing to do is to make sure you are not pregnant. I suggest you see your doctor and get worked up. You will need blood tests and some type of x-ray imaging study to assess your bowel. Good luck.

Anal fissure

I have had an anal fissure for more than 6 months; it has failed to heal despite home remedies. Do I need surgery?
Yes, if the anal fissure has not healed after 6 months, it is unlikely to heal spontaneously. Surgery is your best solution. The surgeon will cut a small part of the anal sphincter muscles to relieve the spasm. This should induce healing in no time. To prevent recurrence, add fiber to your diet, drink ample liquids, walk everyday and make sure you are not constipated. 
Please, you need to see a colorectal surgeon. The majority of general surgeons are clueless when it comes to managing this disorder. General surgeons do not understand anal fissure well and tend to cause more complications from surgery.


My 6-year-old son has pinworms. Is there a medication I can give him?
Yes, but you need to go to the doctor to get the prescription. The medication is mebendazole. You give your son only one tablet and this will kill all the adult worms. You may have to repeat the dose in 2 weeks to kill all the adults that developed from the residual eggs.
One piece of advice-generally if one member of the family has pinworms, treatment is recommended for everyone in the household. To avoid recurrence, you need to destroy all the eggs in the linen and toys. Launder all linen and toys in hot water. Wash undergarments carefully for several days. That should do the trick.
Please maintain good oral and anal hygiene.

Itchy hemorrhoids

I have hemorrhoids that are very itchy. Is there something I can use to stop the itch?
Sure, first keep the anal area clean. Sit in the bathtub with warm water for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a day. These warm soaks often help relieve the pain and itch. Get an over the counter hydrocortisone cream and apply it 3-4 times a day. Treat your constipation with laxatives and fiber in the diet. That should help. You do not need to see any doctor for the anal itch.

Small hemorrhoids

I have recently been told I have small hemorrhoids. My surgeon says I need to get them removed. is this necessary?
If your hemorrhoids are small and do not bother you, you need nothing. The surgeon is a buffoon. He is only interested in your money. Change your diet, add fiber, use laxatives and lose weight. This will reduce the hemorrhoids and make them disappear. Anything that strains your bowels like constipation can cause hemorrhoids- so avoid constipation. Small hemorrhoids can be managed without surgery. Even if you undergo surgery, the results are abysmal. Most people remain dis-satisfied. So, keep away from this surgeon.

IBS and barium enema

I am a 26-year-old female and recently my doctor recommended a barium enema. He thinks I may have IBS. Is this test valid?
I think he is trying to make sure that there is nothing else that is causing your symptoms. Barium enema is not a test specifically for IBS but to ensure that you do not have a mass, diverticulitis or crohn disease. The test is not painful but more likely to be uncomfortable. Most people do not like to have their anus exposed with a tube inside it. The test involves instillation of barium in your rectum and taking x-ray images. Usually does not take long. It is a good test and relatively cheap. I think you should go for the test to ensure you do not have anything else. The diagnosis of IBS is usually made clinically.

Anal itching

I have excessive itching around my anus and was recently told I had pruritis ani. How can I treat this disorder?

Anal itching is very common. However, the condition can be embarrassing and very uncomfortable. It may be caused by hemorrhoids, excessive skin dryness, or skin breakdown. Residual stools around the anus, pinworms and even some skin disorders can cause itching . The itching can be frequent and occur at night and may be associated with minor bleeding. If you have been told you have pruritis ani, then try an over the counter hydrocortisone cream. Apply it 2-3 times a day and within 24 hours, the itch will subside. If your skin is dry, then use a oil based moisturizer like desitin cream. 

To avoid future episodes, be gentle when you wipe your anal area and use a wet cloth instead of dry toilet paper. Rinse the anal area thoroughly with water and wear cotton underwear and loose clothing. There are reports indicating that anal itching is more common in people who engage in anal sex- so I leave the decision to engage in this activity to you.


I have large hemorrhoids that protrude from my anus. They do not bother me, but they have gotten larger over the past 12 months. I have no pain, do they need to be treated?

If you have had these hemorrhoids for a long time, they are unlikely to disappear. However, before you see a surgeon, get your constipation treated. Anything that causes straining, can worsen hemorrhoids. After you treat your constipation, wait a few weeks or months and see what happens. If they still protrude outside, then the only treatment is surgery.

I should warn you right now-even though hemorrhoid surgery is commonly performed, the results are abysmal. The majority of people are not satisfied. So select your surgeon well. First treat hemorrhoid with a change in diet, add fiber and use laxatives. The more your stay away from surgeons, the longer you will live a good quality of life.

Diabetic and xenical

I am a 44 year old diabetic female and weigh nearly 180 pounds. I am on xenical for weight loss. Is there any food that I should avoid?

Yes, avoid all fatty foods otherwise xenical will be a complete water of money. Xenical will help you lose 2-3 pounds a month as long as you exercise and watch what you eat. I would exercise regularly. You should ask your doctor for metformin for your diabetes. The drug is excellent for sugar control and also induces weight loss in diabetics.

Diabetes and supplements

Are there any supplements that a diabetic should eat regularly?

What is wrong with you people? Why do people think that supplements and drugs are the magic bullet to good health? The majority of drugs and supplements do not do any good. All they do is empty your pockets of hard earned money. If you eat a healthy diet, which consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fiber, lean meat and so on, there is no need to take any supplement. There is a gigantic myth being circulated that supplements are good for health- this is BS. 

My best advice is walk, do not smoke, ensure your blood sugars are under control, protect your feet and see your diabetic doctor regularly. As a diabetic, the more you muck around with supplements, herbs and crap like that, the more likely you are going to develop complications.

Diabetic diet

Is there any special diabetic diet that I need to follow? I am a type 2 diabetic

In general, the majority of diets are just bogus. They are all designed by health professionals and non professionals who want to scam you of your hard earned money. Use common sense. If you are a diabetic you should avoid sugary foods. Eat a well balance diet with a calorie count of 1800/day. Walk and do not smoke. Do not eat any food in excess and make sure your blood sugars are well controlled. 

You do not need to speak to a dietician for this piece of information. If you do, then you have far bigger issues than diabetes. Most dieticians have no better insight into foods than regular people- a fair number of them are also obese and diabetic-so why get advice from someone like that? In addition, they charge you a lot of money for common sense advice.

Diabetes and fruit

I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Can I eat fruit? My doctor says I cant.

Your doctor does not know his mouth from his arise. Sure you can eat fruit. So what if you are a diabetic? My best advice is to stop all snacks and other sugary foods from your diet- this is  vital. You can eat almost any fruit but you have to ensure that your blood sugars are not elevated for prolonged periods.

Naturals fruits are much better for diabetics than any processed foods. All the so called diabetic foods that are sold in stores like jams and creams are a  rip off. Use common sense when you shop . Walk and do not smoke,. In addition, please change your doctor.

Diabetic and vitamins

I am a diabetic, Should I be taking a vitamin everyday?

No, vitamin mania is heavily promoted by the manufacturers just to make money. Almost on a weekly basis, doctors and health professionals get on TV or the radio and promote some BS supplement or a vitamin product. Trust me-this is a complete fraud.

If you eat some type of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, you surely do not need any vitamins. In the normal American diet, there are ample minerals and vitamins in our foods. There is a myth of gigantic proportions  that vitamins are a cure for everything. Infact, vitamin deficiency is very rare in north America and they certainly do not prolong life or prevent many disorders. People still continue to get sick and die.

If you eat a healthy diet, you certainly do not need to take any vitamins. Save your money on fresh fruits rather than cardboard pills made in the orient. The content of many of these pills is questionable and many are fakes.